“"The key purpose of sport sponsorship is to generate brand awareness and change the image of the brand."”
This quote by Lagae perfectly describes the main reasons why Soudal decided a few years ago to actively sponsor a number of sports. The basic values propagated by Soudal: hard work, perseverance and being better than your competitors - can also be found in these sports. It was back in 2011, that Soudal became the t-shirt sponsor of Westerlo, a first division football club in the Belgian premier league. A few years later, Soudal became involved in a number of cyclocross events, which were gaining in popularity. These relationships were primarily focused on the Belgian market. Based on the positive responses and the increased awareness of the Soudal brand in the Belgian market, the company signed a 6-year contract with the Belgian World Tour team in 2014. Since 2015, the Lotto-Soudal team represented the company at all large international competitions. From 2023, Soudal is the official sponsor of the men's and women's cycling team Soudal Quick-Step and AG Insurance Soudal Quick-Step!