Legal notice

Soudal Holding N.V., Turnhout, Belgium
Represented by:
Vic Swerts, Dirk Coorevits, Bart Moonen, Jurgen Vandervelden.
Everdongenlaan 18-20
2300 Turnhout, Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)14 42.42.31
Fax.: +32 (0)14 42.65.14
Trade register:
RPR Turnhout, BE 0467.913.053
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Any reference to "Soudal Group " or "Soudal" shall mean Soudal Holding N.V. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.
Soudal makes reasonable efforts to provide accurate and current information on this site. However Soudal makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of any kind related to the information provided. The information on this site is provided only in order to inform about Soudal products and services. Because the possibilities and application conditions of our products are many and varied, and lie beyond our control, it is the duty of the user to verify the compliance of its contemplated use with good practice, applicable laws and regulations.
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